Monday, May 19, 2008

Congrats Graduates

I just wanted to thank all of you for participating in our final graduation. Today it really touched my heart to say goodbye to all my little friends. I know it is not forever however it still hurts a little to know the school year has gone and some will go on to Kindergarten and others to preschool for another year. I hope you all enjoyed our graduation today I thought the kids did a marvelous job. I am still trying to figure out a way that I can just sit back and watch the whole thing happen. That would be so much better then being up there trying not to cry. Thank you again moms for all you did this year to help me make our school year simply the best. I love you all. Goodluck to Tayla and Zaycee as you go on to the "big kid school". Love always Miss Kristi

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